About Us

About Cavett... Who is Lillian Cavett?

Ms. Cavett was born in Holly Grove, Arkansas, and decided to become a teacher at the age of 10. When she was 11 years old, she taught neighborhood preschool children to read and write. When the group entered school it was found that Ms. Cavett's teaching had been so thorough the young students skipped first grade.

Ms. Cavett later taught drama at Tucson High School from 1924 until her retirement in 1946. At the time of her retirement, Superintendent Morrow said of her, "She devoted her heart, soul and her life to working with young people and her influence on them will be felt wherever they go."

Lillian Cavett


Love mural

Our Motto
Cavett Eagles SOAR!

S- Safe

O- On time and present

A- Always be respectful

R- Responsible
student artwork
Artwork by Chris Madrigal
Mrs. Mills - 5th Grade